PU Tactile Tiles in Mamta Modern School-Vikas Puri, Delhi

Signxpress India hosted ‘Musical Demonstration of PU Tactile for Blind – A Way Forward & Learning – A Band comprised of Visually Impaired Members- Vocal to Instruments. Monday, 21st of November 2022, at Mamta Modern School, Vikas Pur, New Delhi.

The musical is an interactive challengeable initiative that gets the students moving and holds their attention will help them learn about the particular use of PU Tactile in the premises and to maintain its cleaning for the welfare of our society members – vision impaired people – likely to take admission in the School. Our objective is to create awareness among all students and staff.

PU Tactile Tiles, PU Tactile Strips, and PU Tactile Studs, it is a unique non-fade, non-slip ground surface indicator (TGSI). These indicators provide cues, which combined with other environmental information, assist visually challenged people with their orientation. Signxpress India PU Tactile Tiles collection has been designed to emphasize reliability, safety, dignity, and independence for visually challenged people.

The Tactile is manufactured from 100% Virgin Certified Polyurethane Material in different Applications like PU Tactile Tiles, PU Tactile Strips, PU Tactile Stud, PU Tactile Tile-Strip-Stud is manufactured in Approved Standard Guidelines vide ISO 23599 to meet ‘eco-friendly environmental products’ and also Acrylic Braille Signage for Blind People. All PU Tactile Tiles-strips-Studs are with stems and self-adhesive.

SIGNXPRESS INDIA – Let us Make a Healthy Environment – Much Better Place to Live For Vision Impaired – Blind People in the Growth of Society – Barrier-Free Access – Culture & Achievements in Evolutionary Journey – A Way Forward “Provision for Self-Adhesive Polyurethane (PU) Tactile Tiles & Braille Sign – Brand “Signxpress”

Our Vision is to deliver technically innovative ‘Self-Adhesive PU Tactile Tiles & Braille Signage’, from our own Production Unit, has a skilled professional team, and is also welcome to develop a customized design as per requirement, to bring more significant connections with our B2B and B2C customers as per CPWD & ISO 23599:2019 to meet ‘eco-friendly environmental’ products.

We believe in social cause projects rather than commercial projects to achieve our goal in terms of “Grand Success for the Welfare of Society”.

For more details visit our website www.signxpressindia.com or call us @ 8882221880

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